Fall 2024 Seminar Series

Time/day: 2 PM on Fridays. Weekly reminder notices are typically sent out to the CUERE listserv on Tuesday the week of the seminar and include an abstract.  Email C. Welty to be added to the listserv. Seminars are mostly online at this WebEx Link. Seminars that are recorded will show a link to the recording after the seminar is presented. 

September 27, 2024
Dr. Joseph Delesantro, Chesapeake Bay Program Office
“Nonpoint Sources and Transport of Nitrogen Loading Across Urbanized Watersheds: The Role of Subsurface Flows, Sanitary Infrastructure, and Hydrogeomorphic Position.”

October 4, 2024
Dr. Tori Tomiczek (Johnson), Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, United States Naval Academy
“Following Seas: Sea Level Rise Impacts, Observations, and Adaptation at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD”

October 11, 2024

October 18, 2024
John Resta, PhD candidate, Public Policy, UMBC
“Urban flooding and FEMA Benefit-Cost Analysis Policy”

October 25, 2024
Dr. William Hunt, Dept. of Biological & Agricultural Engineering, North Carolina State University
“The Evolution of Stormwater Management in a Southern State that Cares”

November 1, 2024
Robert Miltner, Ohio EPA
“Insights from a Probabilistic Survey of Small Headwater Streams in Ohio”

November 8, 2024
Dr. Christa Kelleher, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Lafayette College
“Urban Stream Temperature Regimes: Characterizing Averages, Spikes, and Variations”

November 15, 2024
Dr. Anne Jefferson, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Vermont
“Trashy Streams: A Geomorphological Perspective”

November 22, 2024
Dr. Claire Masteller, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis
“A legacy of neglect: Invisible floods on the MIssissippi River Floodplain”

November 29, 2024  – No seminar; Thanksgiving break

December 6, 2024
Dr. Admin Husic,  Virginia Tech, Occoquan Watershed Monitoring Laboratory
“Built environments modulate sediment delivery: results from local to continental scales”